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Two Bananas / gallery
needeworks birmingham 11.4.21 wrote 4.13.png

Beautiful finishing by Needleworks of Birmingham (MI) complements the basketweave used to stitch this highly detailed design..

While we take pride in offering canvases that are beautifully painted, nothing compares to the "WOW!" factor that happens once a design has been transformed with needle and thread..


Be "wowed" by these Two Bananas designs stitched by the talented needlepointers credited below!

OWD stitched Elizabeth C. wrote 4.17.png
stitched: Elizabeth C

 finished: Old World Designs (CA)
stitched: Lo
retta Cross
sg: Carolyn Baird
needleworks birmingham 11.4.21 washing wrote 4.13.png
stitched: Melissa Smith

sg: Needleworks Birmingham (MI)
stitched: Melissa Smith

sg: Needleworks Birmingham (MI)
TB-PL02 stitched & stitch choices by Jan
stitched: Janice Tillis of Needlepaint Nook (NY)

Website by Painted Pony Designs & Madilyn Forsberg

All rights reserved.

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